Client Love

Coaching is purely experiential. But, sometimes it's good to know that life can really change.

For me, there is nothing better than knowing that each of these lives have been transformed through their commitment and willingness to trust! Are you ready? Click Here To Start Your Journey!

Life Coaching after Loss with Linda Yeazel

Coaching After Loss

"I sought coaching because I was continuing to struggle with the sudden death of my husband after a 25 year relationship. I was stuck in the past, and needed to heal old wounds, both from my childhood and adult relationships. I was able to see past experiences from a new perspective, take responsibility for my own part in my struggles, and forgive not only others, but myself. I have moved forward, and live my life more from a space of gratitude, positivity and love. 

Working with Linda has been a true joy; her ability to help me see what's really going on is uncanny, and her gentle encouragement and warmth shine through, and reflect the wonderful person that she is. Bravo, Coach!!!" -- G. Z.

Life Coaching to Heal Your Heart

Coaching To Heal Your Heart

"When I was first interviewed by Linda, I knew within minutes she was a portal for the change I was seeking. The piece that I longed to know more intimately was my heart. 

I could feel the blocks, wall, traps, pitfalls that prevented my ability to hear my heart's wisdom. During our 13 weeks of coaching, I was led through many processes purposely designed to peel back the layers and stories that were no longer serving me. 

At the end of our time together, I had a stronger sense of knowing, internal trust, strength! My heart has released burdens and tilled room for new growth to begin. Linda's warmth, authenticity, and compassion created the safety for me to dive deep, knowing I was shouldered in loving care. I am forever grateful for the heal your heart program." --Brigid Hopkins, Ohio

Life Coaching Through Transition

Coaching through transition

"I am so grateful for the 10 weeks I spent with Linda as my Life Coach. I went to her seeking guidance and support through some pretty heavy transitions in my life- love and career. With her compassionate, honest and genuine support, I was able to untangle my feelings, look at the fears and habits that were holding me back and finally discover the concrete tools and action steps I needed to propel me forward. Linda trusted that I had all the answers within me and with her guidance I was able to get in touch with my inner wisdom and trust it! As a result, I am continuing on a path towards financial freedom, I have a clear vision for my transition into my new career, and I have been able to navigate a very muggy relationship with integrity, while maintaining the honor and respect my partner and I both deserve." --Lisa L., Arizona

Coaching To Reclaim Your Light

Life Coaching to Reclaim your Light

"Thanks for another fabulous call, in fact, this one I would personally describe as almost miraculous. You are a powerful leader *and* wordsmith. It's interesting that you mentioned reclaiming your light there when you described me as one because that is almost exactly how I would describe you. I am poor with specifics, and plan on re-listening to each call, but in every one, you used phraseology that profoundly sealed in points and messages for me. So profoundly that I resolved to remember them and add them to my mix. I would also describe you as an amazing listener, and masterful at giving meaningful  feedback and holding me accountable in a gentle but firm manner, and almost an intuitive. You have really hit the hammer on the head as far as things in my life that I could look at, like on our last one-on-one when you questioned my resistance to feedback. I really wanted to fight you on that, but it was exactly what I needed to look at. Anyway, that was powerful, as was all of your simple but totally to the point and poignant feedback. 

So, I thank you again. Words cannot really describe how meaningful your guidance has been in helping me make shifts in my life. You are extremely powerful and impressive to me (perfect as those are light qualities I need to reclaim). Lots of love and Blessings." Kris B - Colorado

Coaching to Embrace Vulnerability 

Life Coaching to Embrace Vulnerability

"I trusted Linda to take me where I needed to go. When I was feeling emotionally vulnerable and frustrated with myself, Linda was supportive, understanding, and able to keep me on track. 

I highly recommend the Healing Your Heart program for everyone interested in becoming all they they can be. It was hard work and time consuming to put all my stuff out there to see. With the new tools I learned and now practice, my life has shifted to a better me." -- Debra Felber, Florida

Coaching to Find Answers

"I agreed to a coaching program hoping to confront several tough issues facing changes to my business, marketing, protecting my income stream and desire for a fuller personal life.  Each week, Linda took me through several "processes" that opened my mind, and "heart" to the real issues confronting my desire for additional peace and success.  

With the discovery of those issues, we discussed specific ways to consider the issue, address the limitations I was feeling or thinking existed, and find solutions that were within my own knowledge and wisdom, but not yet uncovered, answers that were simple once the real issue was identified, and they worked.  

Coaching was personal to me, and my issues are probably not all the same as yours, but I can unconditionally say that of my entire business and personal experience, I have had more answers to difficult problems surface from this coaching that anything else I have ever attended or thought of in the past. I recommend Linda for her passion, honesty, willingness and desire to help me break through the barriers to accomplishing my goals." --J.B., Orange County CA

Coaching To Be a Better Parent

"Linda is a wonderful coach: present, loving, experienced, and joyful. Meeting with her regularly was a joy. I could feel her belief in me in every loving word, even when she challenged me to find my own solutions. I am so glad I had the opportunity to work with her." -- C Morell, Illinois

Life Coaching to Be a Better Parent

Coaching to Be Found

I went on line looking for a coach to help me find my way out of a creative funk and the dark pit of discouragement I had fallen into regarding my career and life as an artist. My dreams were dying and I was afraid I'd never find my way back to even having a clear goal.

I picked Linda Yeazel out of the ones I reviewed because I had just finished reading Debbie Ford's book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. Little did I know that a divine intervention was about to take place.

First: I didn't have to travel for my sessions. Linda's counseling sessions took place over the phone. Perfect! No travel time. No what should I wear. How do I look. No irrelevant issues to get in the way. Just cut to the heart of what needs to be focused on. Brilliant!

Secondly: Linda was prepared for each session using Debbie Ford's model on shadow therapy and reclaiming your light. This gave structure to our sessions and prevented them from veering off track or becoming too micro-managed.

Third: and most importantly, Linda taught me how to get in touch with my own higher self for the answers and how to hear the voice of the divine in my own life.

I can't say enough good things about Linda's skill as a facilitator and a coach. She took me from point "Lost" to point "found" in just ten sessions. She is fabulous! I give her five stars!

Picture your words here. Begin with an interview session to see if coaching is a fit for you. Gift yourself the possibility!